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Skin Rejuvenation Infopack
To help you take practical advantage of the information on Smart Skin Care Site, we have prepared an information package that contains detailed recommendations
on preventing and reversing wrinkles and skin aging. The skin rejuvenation strategy suggested in the Infopack is based mainly on published research studies from biomedical journals. The Skin Rejuvenation Infopack includes the following:
- Overview of causes of skin aging. The idea that there is nothing we can do about aging is scientifically obsolete. Causes of aging can be at least partially counteracted.
- Specific recommendation on how to apply your skin care products correctly.
The way you apply the products can "make or break" your skin care routine because
the products will only work if active ingredients reached the dermis in sufficient amounts.
- Extensive list of no cost techniques to slow down skin aging and prevent wrinkles.
- Scientifically documented ways to reduce wrinkles and reverse signs of skin aging. Efficiency ranking. Practical recommendations on selecting the right method and how to apply it. (Skin matrix/collagen rebuilding agents, such as procollagen I peptides, ascorbate derivatives, and copper peptides; topical estrogens; maximizing antioxidant protection; smart use of tretinoin, AHA and skin exfoliation; etc.).
- How to find right skin care products and be able to afford them.
- The Ten Commandments of Intelligent Mositurizing. Mosturizing cannot reverse skin aging. However, neglecting it or doing it incorrectly (i.e. the way most people do it) can break an otherwise effective skin rejuvenation program. Learn how to do it right.
- Extensive list of common skin care misconceptions: what you know (but is not true) may hurt you and your wallet.
- How to spot skin care misinformation.
- The list of references to unbiased scientific studies on treatments that reduce wrinkles and reverse signs of skin aging. Check out yourself (if you wish) the validity of our recommendations.
You can purchase Skin Rejuvenation Infopack either via internet or regular mail.
(Note: If you are interested in several infopacks, click here for a cost-effective way to get the entire set.)
To order Skin Rejuvenation Infopack online (electronic version, $8), click PayPal button below.
After ordering, make sure to follow the link from PayPal back to smarkskincare.com to be able to view the download page.
To order Skin Rejuvenation Infopack via regular mail, send $8 (for an electronic version) or $9 (for a printed version) to:
Dr. Todorov
4 Washington Sq. Village, # 5 J
New York, NY 10012
If using regular mail, please be sure to indicate the name of the infopack you are requesting.
Also, if you are ordering an electronic version (which arrives quicker than a hard copy),
please include your Email address.
Questions? E-mail to Dr. Todorov at: drtodorov@smartskincare.com
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