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Skin Care Review: Alpha Hydrox AHA Souffle
by kino semplo, atlanta, GA, USA
Rating Excellent
To combat acne, and this stuff works very, very well. i
Less obvious is if it's doing anything for wrinkles and acne scars and enlarged pores.
Details I like this product -- Alpha Hydrox AHA Souffle -- a lot. It's realtively cheap, it seems to work in evening out my skin tone and it keeps new acne from forming. It's easy to use, it's not harsh, and it didn't take long for my skin to "get used to it." I wish I could write that it improves the appearance of enlarged pores and acne scars but this hasn't been the case for me. Yet it's difficult to tell if it's improving the scars -- maybe it is. I'm a 40-year old male who is now struggling with years of bad skincare, and just now trying to improve the look of my skin.
I like it a lot, and will continue to buy it.
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