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Skin Care Review: Tretinoin (Generic Retin A) 0.5% and 1%

by Carole, Nevada City, CA United States


12 years of use confirm how fabulous this stuff is!

Irritating at first, must use sunblock religiously.

I started using Retin A in 1993 with the .5% cream. In the last few years, I've alternated between the .5% and 1%, and prefer the 1% for my neck/hands, and mostly the .5% on my face. The results of 12+ years of use are that I have virtually no lines on my face, no crow's feet, no forehead lines at all. Most people think my 34 year old daughter and I are sisters, even though I am now 56. Retin A is said to increase collagen production, and I would say that it true judging by my own skin. I have very small pores as well, and I think that is also a result of the Retin A. I don't use this every single night...maybe just 3 to 4 times a week now. I like to give my skin a bit of a "rest" here and there. I use moisturizers religiously and must be very careful to use a strong sunscreen when in the sun as Retin A can cause quicker burning. But I went skiing this week in strong sun and used the Neutrogena 45 spf facial sunscreen and I didn't even get red. All year round I now use a daily moisturizer w/sunscreen because I've read how important that is.

I would really recommend that any women at least 30 start using Retin A so that she will reap the benefits in later years. However, I suspect this cream won't make up for bad habits....I've never smoked, I am only a light wine drinker, and I eat healthy food. These things all add up to good...even great, unlined skin in your 50's and beyond.

Much cheaper now that it's generic....when I first started using it the cost was $75+ for a small tube. I buy from Canada because my insurance won't cover it for anything other than acne. You use a small a amount and it actually lasts a LONG time.

An absolute essential to achieve great skin in your 50's.

Price (paid by reviewer)

Where to find it
Jan Drugs Canada


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