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Skin Care Review: Ortho Dermatological Renova
by michelel
Rating Excellent
Anti-aging, fights wrinkles, exfoliates, smooths skin, corrects pigmentation
causes extreme dryness in the beginning of use and a bit of redness as well
Details I absolutely love this "magic potion". I've been using it for five years now. I'm thirty-eight years old and haven't a wrinkle on my face. When I tell people my age they are stunned and tell me they thought that I was twenty-five. I just use a pea size at night around my eyes and forehead. My complexion is smooth and rosy. It's great! The only drawback is that the tube costs $90, which is not covered by insurance since it's usage is considered for cosmetic reasons. However, the tube does last for about a year. It's absolutely worth it!
Renova is an absolute must for anyone is in into fighting aging.It's a drream!
Price (paid by reviewer)
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