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Skin Care Review: Patricia Wexler Exfoliating Glyco Peel System
by T. Scott, Memphis, TN, USA
Rating Excellent
improved texture and color of my skin
can't complain about much...not necessary to use daily per instructions...
Details This product gives you all the benefits of a professional treatment in your own home. While this product does state that you can use it daily, I only had to use it about twice a week. I have seen dramatic results in the color and texture of my skin. This product, and procedure for that matter, are not suited for sensitive skin types. So, if you experience skin problems you may want to only use once a week. What a steal! I thought that I would have to make regular visits to a professional to see such great results. I know that the process may seem intimidating, but just follow the step-by-step instructions included in the kit. You get such a great value and don't even have to leave your house!
if you are not sensitive to a lot of products, this is a great find
Price (paid by reviewer) $65
Where to find it Bath and Body Works
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