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Skin Care Review: Clinique Moisture Surge
by Anonymous
Rating Good
It has a very elegant texture and creates a beautiful canvas for makeup.
The ingredients are not the best around and it's packaged in a jar.
Details It seems that everyone is getting the wrong idea of moisture surge.I would like to make it clear that moisture surge is a COMPLIMENTARY product. It is NOT a moisturizer, it is a HYDRATOR.This product does nothing for the moisture barrier, hence why half the ppl here are saying that this product left their skin dry. You are supposed to use it with a moisturizer.The point of this product is that it adds hydration to your skin, so in other words, its like a cup of water for your skin. So the result you get is that your skin plumps up and its not dehydrated.So, please don't compare this with dramatic different moisuturing gel, because they are 2 different products and have 2 different purpose. The gel helps the moisture barrier but does nothing for the dehydration in the skin, but the surge hydrates the skin with water but does nothing for the moisture barrier.Also, this product adds "water" to your skin and also seals your skin, so in the harsh weather of winter when the heater is turned on, the water doesn't evaporate out of your skin!! You can also use this product as a makeup primer, people who use powders and afterwards feel that their skin looks too chalky, well slap this on, and it'll be a hydrating primer!This is an awesome product with a lot of different functions so I think it is worth the price
Pretty good overall, but nothing amazing. I will not be repurchasing.
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