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Skin Care Review: Candela laser

by Isabelle Eckelhofer, Boston, MA usa


Eliminated capillaries on face and legs

Leaves red marks, few weeks to eliminate -- momentary pain

I had broken capillaries/spider veins around my nose and on my legs. The candela laser (green pulsed light) was used to eliminate these veins. The procedure was performed by a certified dermatologist (M.D.) and was fairly quick/ painless. Zapping the capillaries resulted in Large red marks being left at the treatment sites. These marks disappeared slowly --and were embarrassing and very visible. But, the skin was free of broken capillaries and remained so for 5 years. The procedure itself effectively eliminated the broken capillaries around my nose and on my legs.

Good results -- treatment was quick. Effects lasted for over 5 years.

Price (paid by reviewer)
$200 per treatment sessio

Where to find it
Candela, Framingham, MA


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