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Eating small meals throughout the day and evening, of course along with exercise, not only speeds up your metabolism but it also prevents you from getting to that point of starvation where you overeat and overload your body. It also calms impulsive cravings and keeps your blood sugar constant. I have fluctuated with my weight and I always paid attention to my eating habits and wrote them down. I found that when my weight was down and steady was when I ate fewer meals but more frequently. I never feel that starving feeling so that keeps me from overeating. Since I eat smaller portions, I can indulge in almost anything so I never feel that craving urge that also leads to overeating. For instance, I may have a banana and a fruit yogurt for breakfast, 1/2 my lunch around lunchtime and the other half about 1 1/2 or 2 hours later, a few cups of healthy popcorn for a pre-dinner snack and then 1/2 my dinner around dinner time and the other half about an hour later. I do limit my starch intake to about once a day. For instance, if I have a potato, bread, rice or pasta for lunch then I have no starch with dinner, vice versa. A great trick for going out to eat is to eat your protein and veggies FIRST, and by the time you get to the starch you wont be hungry. When I go out to eat, I always notice people starting in on the bread before the entree comes out and then when the entree comes out they start with the baked potato.
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