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Hair Care Tip: Soft, shiny, manageable hair

submitted by Mrs. Kelty, Seattle, WA USA

I have found that I can have soft, shiny manageable hair no matter how long or short my hair is. How? My hair was past my waist and all one length for over 10 years. One year ago I had it cut above my shoulders, for a style change. While it was long and while it is now much shorter I try not to wash it every day, at least not with shampoo. When I do wash it I use warm water never hot. I use an organic shampoo (or natural, no synthetics). After washing I put a natural conditioner on the ends (all over except on my scalp). I leave this on until I am almost done with my shower then I rinse well using cool water.

On the days that I don't shampoo (usually every other day or a couple times per week) I rinse my hair really well then I gently squeeze the water from the length and apply a natural conditioner. I leave this in until my shower is almost done, then I rinse with lukewarm - cool water. I find that my hair, at any length, is soft, shiny, and has more body then if I wash every day with shampoo. I also found after I had it cut that by doing this and towel drying (scrunching my hair up while drying with the towel) that my hair actually got wavy and stays that way (like a soft perm) after drying.


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