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Nail Care Tip: Handwash that is gentle on nails
submitted by Kellie Robson, Brisbane, Australia
Tip description / details:
The everday activity of washing your hands can dry out your nails and make growing them difficult. I tried using sorbolene as a soap substitute. Sorbolene is quite gentle and moisturising, but my hands still never felt quite clean. Now I buy liquid handwash and sorbolene in bulk and mix them together to make a gentle handwash that leaves hands thoroughly clean, yet is still gentle on nails.
Simply pour liquid handwash and sorbolene together into an empty pump pack in the ratio 1:1. Shake vigorously and they will mix together easily and the mixture will not separate. Place the pump pack next to the handbasin and use every time you wash your hands. You can modify the ratio of this handwash to suit your personal preference. Within a week of switching to this mixture my hands became much softer, and my nails noticeably less drier after washing. I also experienced less nail breakage and found it easier to grow my nails.
Other tips for growing strong nails include:
1. Avoid cutting cuticles and instead massage them with oil every day.
2. Never file nails when they are wet
3. Whiten hands and strengthen nails by washing with a tablespoon of oatmeal once a week for 2-3 minutes.
Ingredients: Liquid handwash and sorbolene
How to prepare: Simply pour liquid handwash and sorbolene together into an empty pump pack in the ratio 1:1. Shake vigorously and they will mix together easily and the mixture will not separate. You can modify the ratio of this handwash to suit your personal preference.
How to use: Place the pump pack next to the handbasin and use every time you wash your hands.
Results (observed by submitter): Stronger nails within the first week.
Costs involved: around $5 for 750ml
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