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Skin Care Tip: Fast blemish fixers

submitted by Christy, CT

Tip description / details:
When I get a blemish, a quick fix I use that works is to apply a generous dab of a sulfur based mask directly onto it before I go to bed. Also, make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep to ensure sufficient effectiveness. If I ever have a blemish that I regretfully squeezed and needs some quick healing, I wash my face, apply 100% tea tree oil directly on with a cotton swab to disinfect with the added healing benefits, then I apply neosporin and make sure to get 8 hours of sleep. These tips will ensure some defeat and effectiveness when your acne seems hopeless to control. After doing these few steps before bed, I always wake up grateful.


How to prepare:

How to use:

Results (observed by submitter):
Sometimes if I have a pimple that is right under my skin, feels like a big bump on my face, and hurts, the sulfur mask applied directly to it overnight always guarentees I will wake up with the pimple 50% reduced. If I continue this for at least 3-4 days it usually just goes away, leaving behind a little mark, which can be easily covered with makeup. The tea tree oil and neosporin works in the same way for a pimple that has been squeezed, continue to apply 3-4 nights in a row and you will dramatically see it heal right before your eyes.

Costs involved:
Around $10 - $15


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