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I'm at an age where I'm thinking more about my aging skin, particularly on the face and think back to everything I have tried and what practice has actually benefited my skin the most. The main one, of course, is genetic, I believe. Over the years I've had many comments about how young I look. Now, I guess this is to do with overall look and shape as well as condition of skin. My answer is firstly, good genes. The second is that for half my life, I've avoided sun exposure where possible - with hats, shade, shirts and suncream above 30+. Of course, when I was younger I didn't think too much about these things, but once I hit the 30s, I did as I noticed some changes in my skin, but also did it for better overall health. I also believe drinking good quality water, around 2 liters a day depending on weight, is really benefit, to me anyway, as it helps flush out stuff (not quite sure what but I know that I feel cleaner and more regular). My diet is also important. I include foods that are low in fat and preservatives, highly processed and high sugar contents. I also try to have newly fresh foods where possible, and it's not always possible. When I was growing up, my father had an extensive garden and we would literally be eating salad that was picked in the last half hour. That's what I call fresh. I'm trying to replicate that now, but it's difficult in a city with little access to gardens like my fathers. One other great help to skin and my overall health is to have plenty of rest, not just (for me) 8-9 hrs of sleep a night, but a "slow-down" during the day. I also like to think "positively" to decrease negative reactions in my body which produce feelings and obviously some chemicals that I'm not sure about. In any case, I will minimize frown lines. As far as creams and topical items are concerned, I've tried so many and can't really say one is better than the other, except that some a more suited to my skin - which is sensitive. I like to exfoliate regularly - which to me is like a deep clean. I hope this helps.
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