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Fitness Tip: Staying the same clothes size past 40

submitted by Jenni, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

After I hit 40 I found that many of my clothes starting feeling a little tight, especially skirts and pants. I also had to admit to myself that I was much less active than in the past and did not feel really fit. I love food, hate diets and needed a long term solution that fit into my full-time working schedule, but I also accepted the fact that the only way to solve my problems was to eat less and exercise more. What I did was replace most drinks with plain water, tried to drink more water each day and only eat soup for my evening meal - no bread, no biscuits, but as much soup as I wanted (usually 3 generous bowls). I did not change my other meals but did try to cut down on snacks and drink water instead. For exercise I included three 40 minute work outs each week - it doesn't matter what (I mix swimming, treadmill (I have one at home) and dance classes. The most important thing is to do something that you don't find boring or you will find it hard to keep up. After you have achieved your desired size (which is more important than your weight) you can add 2 to 3 "normal" evening meals per week - as long as you keep up with the exercise! The great thing about this is it still allows you to lunch with friends every day, dine out once or twice a week, doesn't need any special ingredients, doesn't involve giving up chocolate, isn't expensive (except cost of gym membership or home equipment) and it will also leave you really fit.

Within 3 months I could comfortably fit into all my clothes (even some I had given to my daughter thinking I would never wear them again), I feel great and my skin looks great too.


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