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Weight Loss Tip: Diet Tips - Think like a caveman

submitted by Deb G, Plantation, FL USA

Of you're like me, you may have tried all the new fad diets or bought all the books that are supposed to give you the secret roadmap to easy weight loss. I found it's easier to go back to History 101.

In a nutshell: Humans are naturally omnivores, which means we eat meat and plants -- that's it. So when we started roaming the earth millions of years ago, Blag and Oog weren't eating processed dairy, sweets, baked goods or anything fried. And if they were able to steer clear of the Raptors and the occasional T-Rex, they were in pretty good shape.

So just think like a caveman when at the market or ordering off a menu. If it wasn't something that they could have captured or harvested, then its probably not going to be good for you, and you should choose something better.

I've lost 15 pounds so far on this plan!


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