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Skin Care Tip: Sensible weight control European style
submitted by Heike McDoniel, Hampstead, NC 28443
Tip description / details: Hi, my name is Heike and I am from Germany. We moved to the States a couple of years ago and I was very shocked how big the people are in the United States. Of course it did not take long for my husband and myself to gain a few pounds. We tried several diets, but they only worked a little while or we just grew tired of them.
After thinking about what else we could do, I came to the conclusion that most Germans already know and do. Eat 6 times a day, eat less, eat whole grain bread, pasta, rice etc., eat fruits, eat vegetables, eat with common sense. Walk as much as you can. Try not to park in front of the store. Walk, walk, and walk! Pack your lunch for work with a whole grain sandwich, an apple, or a carrot, some nuts, or/and a salad. Make sure it's in small portions. Take a vitamin and watch less TV, and do have one glass of red wine at night. Remember, the pounds you put on don't come overnight, so it will take time to loose them as well. Be patient and they will come off! Don't forget walk as much as you can and enjoy the fresh air.
How to prepare:
How to use:
Results (observed by submitter): I look good, I feel good, and it works for my husband.
Costs involved:
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