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I'm 37 and have maintained about a size 10-12 for most of my life, but there have been a few times I've gained weight (sometimes up to a size 18!) due to changes in my life like moving, death of a friend, changing jobs, etc. So here are four ways I quickly and pretty painlessly lost 20+ lbs: 1) The first time I lost about 20 lbs in three months was simply with walking. One hour 5-6 days a week - outside with a lot of hills. That is really all I did - didn't change my eating habits or anything else, but definitely walked at a FAST pace, with headphones and arm weights. Fast enough that I couldn't really carry on a conversation with anyone. Good music helps. 2) Next time a few years later, I worked out with weights. Not a lot of cardio, but the method was this - you should do all reps really, really slowly - count of 10 going out, count of 10 coming in. And you shouldn't be able to do 10 reps - if you can, you need more weight. In two months, I lost about 15 lbs and looked incredible. Note: I did have a personal trainer for some of this. It was harder to do without that motivation, and I eventually stopped. But for those who like working out, try the slow, heavy reps method - it was amazing and took SO much less time in the gym than my friends who did the lots of reps/light weights method. 3) Years later - had stopped exercising, moved to a new city, depressed and eating pizza and cookie dough every night! Took up swing dancing lessons! Went out three times a week and danced (no partner needed - everyone just asks every one else to dance) and lost 20 lbs just like that. Very fun! 4) Latest - I lost 45 lbs in 9 months. This was not the healthy way, though. I found that I could drink about 2 70 calorie yogurt drinks and eat a couple of mozzarella sticks during the day, with a couple of sugar free red bulls and make it easily to dinner, where I usually have a Lean Cuisine and a glass of wine. I know - this is not the healthiest way, but now that I'm back in normal sizes, I am starting to exercise and focus on being healthy.
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